Nature leads Reial's way!
Products that we offer are pure and natural, free from animal testing, and without preservatives or synthetic ingredients. They are meant for people who are aware, who take care of themselves, and who love nature. It's for you if you are searching for a healing effect, not just a beauty
My biggest wish is that people would eradicate the problem on the root level rather than only get short-term relief of the symptoms.
These are the principles we follow in our products!
In all salves, I use as much as possible local and organic materials. The spruce resin I collect from the forest without harming the tree, using only what I get from the bark or left on the trunk. Other plants and roots are from local small home farm gardens or forests where they grow naturally outside. Shea butter is made by local village ladies in Ghana,
whose handwork is paid fairly through Mondo humanitarian aid non-profit
organization (factory free).
The packaging is plastic-free and easily reusable, with a refill option: bring the package back cleaned and get a discount with the next order.
and balms are in general very similar and made without water. The main difference is that balms tend to be of a thicker, harder consistency
(higher ratio of beeswax compared to salves), cause they retain
their shape once hardened. Having more wax would make them more
protective, forming more of a barrier on the skin, and works well
on sore muscles.
We have currently 2 products in our selection both with natural
ingredients. Real balm for dry & damaged skin, I make myself but Silver Clove comes from Bali, which
little family factory I visited at the beginning of 2018. They have few machines
helping with production, but still, a lot is handwork.
Wormwood aka Artemisia absinthium will calm your stomach and contribute to the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. Also stimulates the appetite.
Common wormwood is an interesting plant that can give almost instant positive effects when used
wisely. Life is full of gatherings, probably too much food, and a few glasses too many. It`s a good time to
have a good therapist at hand to keep the stomach working well. However, the
powers of wormwood do not stop at an upset stomach.
This tincture is a good investment in your own health, however, for a close person suffering from digestive problems – it can be a great gift as well.
Main benefits:
- Helps with digestion and keeps your intestines healthy
- Quickly calms an upset stomach and intestinal spasms
- Treats parasite and worm infections
- Support for intestinal tract purification
- Helps to relax the gastrointestinal tract
- Supports the function of the intestinal tract
- Contributes to nervous impulse transmission and muscle contraction.
- Stimulates the appetite
- Relieves flatulence, fullness, and windy feelings.
Helps the physiological
blood fluidity.
Amazing results from a large-scale clinical trial conducted in Congo, Africa. An infusion made of 2 species of wormwood cured a deadly tropical parasitic infection schistosomiasis faster than commonly used medical drugs. This disease kills 200000 people every year. Without side effects.
Tinctures are stimulating and healing concentrated plant extracts that help alleviate a myriad of health problems fast and without harmful side effects. We make tinctures of pure ecological ethanol made from Estonian-grown organic grain, pure source water, and hand-picked herbs.
Tinctures can also be used for children – solve tincture
in warm water for the alcohol to evaporate (as many drops as the child`s age +
Usage: Internal or/and external.
Wormwood contains the monoterpene thujone that strongly affects the nervous system, therefore, it must be dosed moderately. In small amounts, it`s compensation effect is enormous – the tincture is a strong remedy.
- Use up to 2 tsp per day according to the severity of the problem.
- If you use it as a longer cure then take it daily under the tongue, ca 15 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks (maximum) but listen to your intuition also. After every 3 weeks make a pause for 5 days and if you feel good and there is a need then continue.
- Keeping little time under the tongue then swallow down with water or place drops in your (hot) water.
INCI: Ethyl Alcohol (certified organic grain spirit), Artemisia absinthium, purified water.
This website's information
and reference guides are intended solely for general information. It should not
be used to diagnose health problems or treat them. It is not a substitute for
medical care a licensed and qualified health professional provides.
Please consult your
healthcare provider for any advice on medications.
A supplement does not replace a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not
exceed the recommended amount for daily consumption. Keep closed at room
temperature, out of reach of children.
Customer reviews
Liis K., 24 Feb, 2025
Koirohi on minu kõhu parim sõber. Aitab alati. Olen juba korduvalt kasutanud ja kasutan ka edaspidi. Lisaks nii armas ja kiire teenindus. Teeb alati südame soojaks. ❤️🙏
Viljar K., 22 Feb, 2025
Tagasiside tuleb rohkem teeninduse ja tehingu kohta kui toote kohta, sest pole veel jõudnud toodet pikalt tarbida. Sain tellimuse kiiresti ja probleemideta esitatud, makstud ja juba teisel päeval (nädalavahetus!) oli pakk mind juba automaadis ootamas! Ma ei teagi nüüd kas see oli ainult sõbrapäeva kingitus või ootab alati kõiki tellijaid mõni meeldiv üllatus, aga vähemalt seekord sain armsad kingitused veel tootele lisaks! Ma väga tänan ja soovin edu ettevõtte laienemisel! Igatahes teenindus ja suhtlus on meeldivalt kõrgel tasemel! Tootevalik on ka üllatavalt lai, nii et vajadusel/võimalusel kindlasti kasutan juhust jälle teie teenuseid kasutada! Minu soovitus kõigile!
Külli, 31 Dec, 2024
Kasutasin koirohu tinktuuri keha puhastamiseks 4-5x päevas kui põdesin palavikuga viirushaigust (lisaks liposoomne cvitamiin NAC) ja tervenesin ilma tüsistusteta 7 päevaga. Väga soovitan. Olen kasutanud ka varem lihtsalt keha puhastamiseks kevadel.
Siim L., 16 Dec, 2024
Suurepärane toode! Teen alati kuuri kui tunnen, et soolestik vajab korrastamist ja parasiidid ründavad. Pole kordagi pidanud pettuma. Eriline tänu pakkimise ja südamlike üllatuste eest!
Adriano Z., 16 Jun, 2024
Perfect! We like it!
Moonika S., 23 Apr, 2024
Tellimuse tarne oli tõesti kiire ja väga elegantselt pakitud, tunda oli isiklikku lähenemist. Armas. Maitse on minu meelest hirmus, aga ma saan hakkama. Ega see ei saagi mesimagus olla ju. Mõju on olemas, seedimisele mõjus kohe, sai tihedamalt vetsu külastatud. Kolmandal päeval mõjus närvisüsteemile, tundsin, et olen nii õnnetu ja kogu maailm oleks nagu minu vastu, nutsin kah. Neljandal ja viiendal päeval hakkas kogu keha valutama nagu pealaest jalataldadeni välja, öösel magasin istudes, sest pikali olla ei saanud. Valus oli. Eks näis kuidas edasi, aga minu esimene kuur on 10 päeva. Igal juhul ma usun selle tugevasse toimetuse ja kinnitan, et kõik see valu ja vaev tuleb kindlasti kasuks. Tänud tegijatele.
Silja, 18 Dec, 2023
Koirohtu on kasutanud juba meie emad, vanaemad. Teada tuntud oma puhastava toime poolest. Niiet soovitan kõigil teha koirohuga puhastuskuuri mingi aja tagant, kasvõi kord aastas, kuna meie soolestikku kogunevad bakterid, parasiidid, millest muudmoodi lahti ei saa. Pärast kuuri on enesetunne tuntavalt parem.
Liina L., 25 Oct, 2023
Esmamulje on hea. Maitse täitsa hea, natuke võtan vett peale küll kuna etanool on veits särtsakas keele all. Efektiivsusest ei oska isiklikust kogemusest nii vara veel jagada, kuid ma tarvitan seda hoolega edasi. Soolestiku see kahtlemata paneb tööle, pissihäda tekib päevas rohkem kui tavaliselt, aga ei midagi hullu :)
Andres S., 14 Apr, 2023
Kiire tellimuse täitmine ja saadetisega kaasas mõnus ja muhe üllatusmoment. 🙂