Nature leads Reial's way!
Products that we offer are pure and natural, free from animal testing, and without preservatives or synthetic ingredients. They are meant for people who are aware, who take care of themselves, and who love nature. It's for you if you are searching for a healing effect, not just a beauty
My biggest wish is that people would eradicate the problem on the root level rather than only get short-term relief of the symptoms.
These are the principles we follow in our products!
In all salves, I use as much as possible local and organic materials. The spruce resin I collect from the forest without harming the tree, using only what I get from the bark or left on the trunk. Other plants and roots are from local small home farm gardens or forests where they grow naturally outside. Shea butter is made by local village ladies in Ghana,
whose handwork is paid fairly through Mondo humanitarian aid non-profit
organization (factory free).
The packaging is plastic-free and easily reusable, with a refill option: bring the package back cleaned and get a discount with the next order.
and balms are in general very similar and made without water. The main difference is that balms tend to be of a thicker, harder consistency
(higher ratio of beeswax compared to salves), cause they retain
their shape once hardened. Having more wax would make them more
protective, forming more of a barrier on the skin, and works well
on sore muscles.
We have currently 2 products in our selection both with natural
ingredients. Real balm for dry & damaged skin, I make myself but Silver Clove comes from Bali, which
little family factory I visited at the beginning of 2018. They have few machines
helping with production, but still, a lot is handwork.
Solidago (Goldenrods)
Goldenrods herbal remedy is an organic product that heals the skin. Tinctures are stimulating and healing concentrated plant extracts that help alleviate a myriad of health problems fast and without harmful side effects.
The family name Solidago means to heal and has been used since ancient times.
Goldenrod is a
systematic cleanser and a true germ killer. Recommended for all kinds of kidney and bladder health, as it is a diuretic (that is, expelling water). It supports the lymphatic system,
kidneys, liver, and gall bladder and dissolves gall and kidney stones. Goldenrods are perfect for respiratory illnesses, the flu, and the common cold, and In folk medicine, it is also used to rinse and gargle the mouth and throat in case of tonsillitis and mucus membrane infection.
Laboratory-proven muscle spasm reliever, inflammation, blood pressure reducer, and infection fighter.
This yellow beauty
is also extremely beneficial to cleanse the impurities of the skin.
Goldenrod is the magical plant that has the greatest impact on a person's emotional life!
Main uses:
- No1 for kidney and bladder health; for bladder and kidney stones
- physical well-being
- mental shock, as emotional distress
- Increases the physiological resistance of the organism
- various skin problems, e.g. eczema
- urinary disorders
- Helps maintain the mobility and flexibility of joints
- Helps during the premenstrual cycle
- mouth and throat infections.
Usage: Internal or/and external. Pure, diluted, mix with herbal tea, compress, in creams, ointments.
- If you use it as a longer cure then take it daily under the tongue, ca 20 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks (maximum) but listen to your intuition also. After every 3 weeks make a pause for 5 days and if you feel good and there is a need then continue.
- Keeping little time under the tongue then swallow down with a little amount of water or place drops in your (hot) water.
There is another advantage to using tinctures. If tea and other water-based herbal medicines are absorbed only in the small intestine, the active ingredients in the tincture begin to be absorbed already in the mucous membrane of the mouth (if the tincture is held under the tongue for a while before swallowing) and thus enters the bloodstream faster.
Tinctures can also be used on children by diluting a few drops (usually the child's age + 1) in very warm water, which allows the alcohol to evaporate but leaves the active ingredient in the water for absorption.
Apply externally to the affected area or make a compress.
INCI: Ethyl Alcohol (certified organic grain spirit), Solidago (Goldenrods), purified water.
NB! Store in the dark or out of direct sunlight.
Pure and powerful plant tinctures come to rescue & support you when your health is failing and you are not feeling well. We use pure spirit (it has been the medium for channeling herbal power for centuries), grain eco-ethanol produced in Estonia, spring or structured water, and Estonian-grown organic handpicked herbs.
NB! This website's information
and reference guides are intended solely for general information. It should not
be used to diagnose health problems or treat them. It is not a substitute for
medical care a licensed and qualified health professional provides.
Please consult your healthcare provider for any advice on medications.
A supplement does not replace a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended amount for daily consumption. Keep closed at room temperature, out of reach of children.
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Customer reviews
Ilmar Kästik, 14 May, 2024
Olen väga tänulik, et keegi veel ise korjatud kodumaistest ravimtaimedest tinktuure teeb. Ainult sellistes taimedes saab olla õige tervendav vägi.
Veikko Vaher, 16 May, 2023
Toode vastas ootustele ja tellimuse tarne oli kiire ja väga kliendisõbralik!
Liis M., 19 Apr, 2023
Olen palju olnud põiepõletikus oma elus ja just hiljuti olin ägedas põletikus kus ei aidanud mind enam ükski käsimüügiravim ning antibiootikumid pole minu eelistatud valik. Siis leidsin Reiali kodulehe nagu jumalakingituse, tellisin toote ja sain ka kiirelt paki. Koheselt ka sain leevendust oma probleemile ning teen pikemalt kuuri läbi. Kindlasti hoian ka tulevikus seda imerohtu kapis.