Nature leads Reial's way!
Products that we offer are pure and natural, free from animal testing, and without preservatives or synthetic ingredients. They are meant for people who are aware, who take care of themselves, and who love nature. It's for you if you are searching for a healing effect, not just a beauty
My biggest wish is that people would eradicate the problem on the root level rather than only get short-term relief of the symptoms.
These are the principles we follow in our products!
In all salves, I use as much as possible local and organic materials. The spruce resin I collect from the forest without harming the tree, using only what I get from the bark or left on the trunk. Other plants and roots are from local small home farm gardens or forests where they grow naturally outside. Shea butter is made by local village ladies in Ghana,
whose handwork is paid fairly through Mondo humanitarian aid non-profit
organization (factory free).
The packaging is plastic-free and easily reusable, with a refill option: bring the package back cleaned and get a discount with the next order.
and balms are in general very similar and made without water. The main difference is that balms tend to be of a thicker, harder consistency
(higher ratio of beeswax compared to salves), cause they retain
their shape once hardened. Having more wax would make them more
protective, forming more of a barrier on the skin, and works well
on sore muscles.
We have currently 2 products in our selection both with natural
ingredients. Real balm for dry & damaged skin, I make myself but Silver Clove comes from Bali, which
little family factory I visited at the beginning of 2018. They have few machines
helping with production, but still, a lot is handwork.
Pure Rosehip seed oil, 10ml
Rosehip Seed Oil - 100% pure and natural.
Extremely beneficial oil nourishes and hydrates your skin (especially for dry & mature skin). Oil gives a glow and may also reduce the visible signs of ageing.
It is high in vitamins A and C, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines, and help to heal and clear up scars. This light oil absorbs easily leaving skin non-greasy, soft, healthier & glowing.
Gently massage a few drops to clean and damp face. Suitable also for around the eye area.
Suitable for all skin types, it rates 2 on the comedogenic scale and feels light on the skin.
Rosehip oil has a long history as a therapeutic remedy and beauty product.
Extracted from Himalayan naturally grown wild rosehip seeds, which are hand-picked by Kullu women in the Himalayas (Women’s Savings and Credit group).
No added preservatives or additives.
Before use:
Although it’s generally safe for all skin types, you should perform a patch test before your first use. This will ensure you aren’t allergic to the oil.
To do this:
1. Apply a small amount of rosehip seed oil to your forearm or wrist.
2. Cover the treated area with a bandage or gauze.
3. After 24 hours, check the area for signs of irritation.
4. If the skin is itchy or inflamed, you shouldn’t use the oil (see your doctor if the irritation persists).
5. If the skin doesn’t show any signs of irritation, it should be safe to use the oil elsewhere.
Once you’ve done a patch test, you can apply rosehip seed oil up to twice per day. The oil can be used on its own, or you can add a few drops to another carrier oil or your favourite moisturizer. It mixes well with our Apricot kernel oil.
Customer reviews
Kaidi H., 28 Dec, 2024
Tellin korduvalt. Kui soov enda meigikraam miinimumini viia, siis on Reiali 100% kibuvitsaseemneõli selleks hea variant, annab kerge jume aastaringselt. Soojemal ajal segan õli Reiali aloe vera geeliga, täpselt paras nahatoitja. Kingituseks sain väikse meeseebi proovimiseks. Väga meeldiv toode. Kehanahk ei vaja peale pesu enam kohest niisutust linna veekvaliteedi tõttu. Meeseep jääb kindlasti kasutusse. Tänulik Reiali perele selle kogemuse eest!
Ene J., 21 Oct, 2024
Meeldivalt pehme ja siidine tulemus.
Kaidi, 12 Jun, 2024
Tõsiselt hea asendus näokreemile. Annab loomuliku kuldse jume ja toidab nahka. Kasutan mineraalpuudri alla koos aloe vera geeliga või peale ujumistrenni näonaha kuivuse korral. Tänan teid aega ja energiat panustamast ja seda kõike meieni toomast!
Tiina K., 28 Jan, 2024
Ülimalt mõnus tunne ja jume ,olen rahul 😊
Ave Meisalu - massöör, 30 Nov, 2023
Kasutan külmpressi kibuvitsaseemne õli sageli enda näol ja oma klientidele näomassaaži tehes. Parim looduslik õli mida olen kunagi kasutanud! Kuigi olen proovinud ka mitmeid teisi jäävad need Reiali õlile kõvasti alla. Suureks boonuseks lisaks heale imenduvusele on ka lausa jumalik lõhn. Nahk jääb siidine ja olemine taevalik
Laura J, 6 Oct, 2023
Mõnusa mitte pealetükkiva lõhnaga õli. Väga meeldiv üllatus kuna olen eelnevalt erinevaid õlisid oma näonahal proovinud ja alati mõjusid negatiivselt (ja ummistasid poore). Kibuvitsaseemneõli aga ei ummista poore üldse! Piisab paarist tilgakesest, mida esialgu hõõrun peopesade vahel ja siis õrnalt üle näo. Tunne on meeldiv ja lõõgastav. Kusjuures olen mitmest kangekaelsest punnikesest näol saanud megakiiresti jagu just tänu sellele õlile ;) Julgen soovitada kuna olen ise ülitundliku nahaga ja mulle on see õli ainult häid kogemusi toonud. Aitäh!
Kristi L., 19 Jul, 2023
Super toode. Imendub kiiresti ja on imelise lõhnaga.
Liis M., 24 Jun, 2023
Olen kasutanud seda ôli juba mitmeid pudeleid ja ilma selleta enam ei saa! Turgutan nahka kohselet, annab ilusa jume ning ka see värskus teeb näo nooremaks. Imendub kiirelt ja imelise lôhnaga!
Liis M., 29 Apr, 2023
Super toode! Olen tellinud teise pudeli ning kasutan seda kaks korda päevas. Koheselt on nahk särav ja ergas! Väga meeldib lõhn ja kui kiirelt imendub! Nahk on väga siidine ja väsimus märgid kadunud. Kindlasti soovitan!
Inga R., 27 Apr, 2023
Suurepärase aroomiga õli, mis tõesti pühib nahalt väsimuse ilmingud, toob sära palgeile ning kaotab kiskumise tunde.