Nature leads Reial's way!
Products that we offer are pure and natural, free from animal testing, and without preservatives or synthetic ingredients. They are meant for people who are aware, who take care of themselves, and who love nature. It's for you if you are searching for a healing effect, not just a beauty
My biggest wish is that people would eradicate the problem on the root level rather than only get short-term relief of the symptoms.
These are the principles we follow in our products!
In all salves, I use as much as possible local and organic materials. The spruce resin I collect from the forest without harming the tree, using only what I get from the bark or left on the trunk. Other plants and roots are from local small home farm gardens or forests where they grow naturally outside. Shea butter is made by local village ladies in Ghana,
whose handwork is paid fairly through Mondo humanitarian aid non-profit
organization (factory free).
The packaging is plastic-free and easily reusable, with a refill option: bring the package back cleaned and get a discount with the next order.
and balms are in general very similar and made without water. The main difference is that balms tend to be of a thicker, harder consistency
(higher ratio of beeswax compared to salves), cause they retain
their shape once hardened. Having more wax would make them more
protective, forming more of a barrier on the skin, and works well
on sore muscles.
We have currently 2 products in our selection both with natural
ingredients. Real balm for dry & damaged skin, I make myself but Silver Clove comes from Bali, which
little family factory I visited at the beginning of 2018. They have few machines
helping with production, but still, a lot is handwork.
Organic Apricot kernel oil, 50 ml
Luxurious, aromatic & pure 100% apricot kernel oil is an excellent softener and moisturizer for all skin types, face, hands, and hair, and suitable also for baby-tender skin. This amazing oil is always fresh press. Their stock is always not more than 20 days old.
Well-known therapeutic body massage oil is recommended for prematurely aged, sensitive, inflamed or dry skin. Also, relief for joint pain and body aches when applied at night.
Apricot seeds are handpicked from naturally grown trees from Himalayan valleys. Ladies from numerous mountain villages walk and collect those into bags which are brought to the collection point and brought to Kullu. There they dry those in sunlight and slightly crack to separate and clean the kernels which is done by hand, then final drying in sunlight in special containers. Then kernels are ready for pressing. Apricot kernels look like almonds. Pure apricot kernel oil has a very pleasant scent and golden yellow color.
Cold-pressed from selected bitter apricot kernels using the traditional “Ghani”. This pure apricot kernel oil is from a high mountain area in India. Produced by a non-profit society owned and operated by Kullu district women.
Keep away from sunlight.
INCI: 100% Prunus armeniaca kernel oil
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Customer reviews
Pauliin, 19 Jan, 2025
Hetkel kõige lemmikum Reiali toode! Niisutab naha koheselt! Mõnus lõhn! Kasutan kehal, näol ja juukseotstel.
Kaidi H., 25 Aug, 2024
Väga meeldiv õli, mida kasutada igapäevaselt koos aloe vera geeliga näonaha hoolduses kui ka mineraalpuudri aluskihiks. Sobiv koostis, märjale nahale kantuna imendub täiesti jätmata nahka õliseks. Aroom on mahedalt aprikoosine ja mõjub positiivselt.
Mariliis, 22 Feb, 2024
Aromaatne ja siidine õli, hästi imenduv. Kõige parem aprikoosiseemneõli mida olen proovinud. Tõeline leid.
Rihhard E., 16 Oct, 2023
Kasutan igapäevaselt oma näonaha noorendamiseks ja jään seda igavesti kasutama
Ilme N., 29 Jul, 2023
Aitäh! Suurepärane leevendaja vistrike korral ja nii imelise lõhnaga ja avardab meeli!
Taisi O., 11 Jul, 2023
Väga mõnusa lõhnaga õli, millega hellitada enda juukseid ja nahka. Juuksed pärast kasutamist on siidisemad ja läikivamad ja nahk nagu muutuks ka tervemaks. Mina lihtsalt armastan seda õli!
Leina Õ., 29 Apr, 2023
Fantastiline õli, enneolematu lõhn ja siidine kontsistents, ka toime on kirjeldamatult tõhus. Lõputu tänu ja rõõm on seda toodet kasutada🌹💖🥰
Kristine S., 27 Apr, 2023
Imeline õli! Väga real lõhnaga 🙂 Super-imenduv ja toitev. Nii pehme nahk peale kasutamist 💗 Ja mis parim, õli sobib igale vanusele ning pole allergia ohtu.
Kadri R., 26 Apr, 2023
Väga hea nauditav toode.