Why should men exfoliate?
Men's skin is generally slightly tougher and has a stronger texture than women's. As always, different types are represented, from oily to very dry.
REAL cocoa-amber scrub is suitable for all men's skin types because it exfoliates the skin without drying or clogging it too much. Amber is a healing electromagnetic field bio-stimulator that helps prevent premature aging of the skin and contains antimicrobial and antioxidant components. In addition to the above, the succinic acid contained in amber strengthens the capillaries and refreshes the complexion.
Men generally prefer a simpler skin care procedure, so our scrub can work as a so-called one-pot solution that:
✨ cleans
✨ removes dead skin cells
✨ improves complexion and texture
✨ moisturizes
✨ leaves the skin breathing, refreshed, and feeling brand new
The scrub should be applied to warm, moist skin with gentle massaging movements and rinsed with warm water. Especially pleasant to use in the shower or sauna.
Dry skin versus oily?
Dry skin. What does it mean?
Dry skin does not hold the water nor does it produce enough sebum. Dry skin needs equal amounts of hydration (toners, gels, and serums) and moisturization (oils, butter's, salves).
Water first and after oil on top.
Oily skin. What does it mean?
Oily skin produces too much sebum. Why? Because it`s extremely dry. Oily skins are as dry as a desert. More sebum is produced to prevent the loss of water. What to do? Oily skin does not need harsh cleansers. It needs hydro and lipid treatment. Same as dry skin? Exactly. Greasy skin requires water-based product and after that, a good oil or balm to signal the skin - do not produce too much sebum, I`ve got it covered. Voila! Balance.
Gel or water-based serum first, oil or balm after - for both oily and dry skin!
How to use skin oils properly and salves?
There are many people who would like to try cool plant oils on their skin but they have heard that oil may cause skin problems.
So, how to use skin oils properly and what hacks to use?!
1. Use water-based products first and oils after. Healthy skin contains both water and lipids. Balance is key.
2. When you apply oil or balm on slightly wet skin you get a cream-like effect that makes the oil absorb quicker.
3. Add a drop of oil into your foundation before applying and get a glowing highlighted complexion that radiates vitality. You can use your favorite salve or balm only on your cheekbones to get a slight highlighter effect.
4. Use a good high-quality balm also on your lips and around the eyes to give a dewy look. Glow and sparkle naturally. Shiny skin in the right places gives a beautiful look.
5. 100% oils and balms that contain plant extracts or essential oils are concentrates that can be used as serums.
6. When jogging or training in cold weather or snow then use face oil on dry skin to provide a protective layer against cold and frostbite.
7. Try different oils until you find the right one for you. Different oils have different molecule sizes and individual suitability depends. 😉
All 'Reial' natural products are water-free and pure, more info www.reial.ee
What attracts & repels mosquitos?
Often can hear that people saying: ’I must have sweet blood that mosquitos love me’.

Many insects, mosquitoes included, are attracted by food smells already from 50 m. The odour of the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas that humans naturally exhale. Sweat attracts mainly blood-sucking bugs, especially human sweat is super target at least for 2 species of mosquitos.
Scents that attract mosquitos:
- CO2.
You excrete it more after training or when simply too hot. Also lit candle.
- Lactic acid.
Your sweat excretes it more after training or after eaten salty and potassium-rich products, like bananas (mosquito favourites), potato, orange, spinach, raisins, whole grain products etc. Hence being in an area with a lot of mosquitos avoid those and shower after sports activities.
- Floral-fruit scents.
Mainly cosmetics– shower gel, shampoo, perfumes, also laundry detergents.
- Humidity.
Mosquitos like water, inc. moist plants. Standing water is a perfect breeding ground.
- Dark clothes.
Wear light-coloured clothes and long sleeves.
- Sweat.
Adults have a stronger scent than kids. In a study, it showed infants and toddlers get fewer bites.
The best is to use a scent they don’t like or distract them with one of their favourites.
What repels them:
- Smoke, wind, (cool air, ventilator), candles, incense. However, sitting outside, there is no point in using candles and incense, because they can't smell them in the wind.
- The smell of vanilla, but it must be pure vanilla, not vanillin. Dilute it in water and sprinkle on yourself or mix vanilla in olive oil and rub in.
- Vinegar, apple vinegar– dilute and use in a spray bottle.
- Garlic.
- Cloves that you can knead from time to time to give off an odour.
- Ointments containing menthol and eucalyptus and other similar substances.
- Marigold, lavender, mints, catnip etc. It is recommended to plant those around terraces and verandas to make the so-called natural barrier or bring them to the table with a vase/pot.
- Pure essentials oils which repel bugs.
- Lemongrass pure oil is one of the natural remedies for mosquitos and other bugging insects. Lemongrass is known as one of the oldest repellents, found in many ancient recipes.
You can spray tea made from yarrow, rosemary or some other bug repellent plant on children. Their sweat is milder and does not require as strong products as adults in general.
When making a mosquito repellent yourself, keep in mind that each person's body and odours are different and that works in one person may not do so in another. Common recipes include essential oils, water and alcohol.
Essential oils:
One of the best is neem tree oil, lemongrass, lemon eucalyptus, citronella, lavender, peppermint, sweet orange (+ other citrus essential oils like lemon & grapefruit), spearmint, tea tree, clove, garlic oil, basil, cumin Et al.
Plants used in essential oils can be used also different ways, for example, lemongrass in a candle, incense, cream. Be careful using essential oils, without dilution can use only a few (like tea tree, lavender). Most of them need to dilute base oil or make a mixture of water and alcohol.
Be also moderate in use, they can irritate the skin.
Definitely use pure oils instead of aroma oils.
Avoid eye and broken skin area. Know that natural does not always mean safe, some people are allergic. Therefore, it is wise to try home-made sprays before in a smaller area of skin. Mixtures made from essential oils could be applied to areas of the pulse, such as the wrist, temples and neck.
If the essential oil is not available, use fresh plants such as lavender, basil, mint etc. Rub them directly on the skin, as well as crush and wrap in a scarf and put it around your neck or arm.
Tea tree oil and calendula oil, clove oil, lemongrass, etc. are ideal for bites and bumps. In addition, cooling products (gels-creams containing menthol or eucalyptus) or plants (eg lemongrass). Drying products (salts, baking soda with water, acids - lemon, lime). Avoid scratching to prevent inflammation.
SCRUBS- for health and glowing skin!
Do you wish for a smooth & soft skin or relieve a health issue?
Believe it or not but one solution can be the scrubs. Possibly it's one of the underestimated tools and quite often we even don't think about it. In the same time facial and body scrubs are easy and fun to make, let your creation alive.
I share my recent experience and knowledge from the course concluded in October 'Practical herbal medicine and herbs', which is also the main source of this article.
My motto - if you eat it you can use it. Therefore use products with organic ingredients, following this my new item was made- scrub. Something different, which you can't find on shops. Suitable for face and body. Components used: grounded cocoa bean peels, amber powder, oils and a bit of shea butter and herbs collected in the summer. This time rose, sage, chamomile & yarrow went into the mix.
Roasted cacao bean peels:
Foto: private
Exfoliation can help with excess weight, swellings, chronic fatigue, decreased immune system, constant dizziness, chronic secretions (runny nose, sputum). In addition, peeling stimulates blood and lymph circulation, cleanses the skin, promotes metabolism.
How and what to use to make organic scrub?
You need 150 ml of granular or exfoliating agent and 30 ml of a binding component. For the body, rougher grained works, on the other hand, for the face fine-grained and softer is needed as not to damage your delicate skin.
NB! When using e.g. oats you need more fluid as grain absorb more liquid.
Granular: e.g coffee, sugar, sea salt, fine sand, nuts, oats etc.
Binding: e.g yoghurt, honey, aloe vera gel, banana, avocado, organic oils, organic butter (e.g shea) or whatever you happen to have at home and which suits your skin.
Good to add also herbs and essential oils.
Making a facial scrub make sure that particles are fine and smooth if needed ground all ingredients several times.
Herbal parts.
Completed facial-body scrub, the mix is smooth and fine:
Remember to warm and moisten your skin before exfoliation. The best place is a sauna or in the shower and use as the last procedure. After peeling rinse and dry the skin. Depending on the need apply some organic cream or salve.
In case of health issue use max 2x a week e.g to fasten the metabolism. When the situation has stabilised take a pause. Generally ca once a month is a good habit to exfoliate, still, use wisely and always follow your skin peculiarities and listen to your body.
Advice: whatever external procedure you use, remember all starts from within, ergo, watch your lifestyle and eating habits.
In case you are not sure to try yourself or simply have no time, you are welcome to order from me.
60 gr jar is available with only 8€.
Buy online: organic amber-cacao scrub.
Much love and take good care, you are your own master,
Our first photosession of the Natural salves
We started co-operation with Kristin some time ago. We met because I am also one of the owners of Ronimisministeerium (climbing gym), which she loves and visits often. She helped to put my ideas literally on the jar labels and has patience of a saint to bring my fine tuning into live.
Kristin: 'Kadi has many talents, she is really powerful but also kind-hearted. She had a strong vision of how the salves design had to look since the very start. At the beginning we made two salves: spruce reisn-calendula and calendula-lavender salve.' After getting those ready we had an awesome photoshoot!